Last week in Paris I wen to Microsoft days show. It was a big event with steve Balmer, mainly focused on Cloud strategy, Window Phone 7 launch and other stuff. But beside that marketing part there was some interesting technical sessions. I attended one on the Microsoft Parallel Datawarehouse Solution (result of the madison project based on Datallegro acquisition).
This is a shared nothing architecture. Big tables data is distributed across node, smaller tables are replicated across node to avoid traffic network during join. The query is first issue on a coordinating node that then push pieces of it to the other nodes.
This is the same architecture that Postgres has with the greenplum solution.
For MySQL I do no know of similar architecture.
...continue reading "MySQL for a Massively Parallel Database ?"
Author: Serge
Using ioprofile with MySQL is cool !
Tracing per file IOs is a mandatory task for anyone doing performance issue analysis on a MySQL database. This could help to find candidates for innodb table compression, to decide to move data around on disks to optimize IOs, to decide what needs caching ...
There is no direct command to do it on linux. iostat gives you IOs per device or logical volumes.(I once thought of having loopback device mounted on my innodb datafile but it does not work).
ioprofile is a smart shell script developed by Baron Schwartz with the following principle :
...continue reading "Using ioprofile with MySQL is cool !"
When should I use Oracle 11g and when should I use MySQL ?
This is a real question asked by Ivan Zoratti in his blog post.
Another frequently heard question is : Should I still use MySQL now that my business is turning into a very serious business or should I switch to Oracle 11G.
To illustrate this question let me talked about MySQL users I met last week.
Last week I went to a big e-commerce exhibition in Paris ( 3 days 27.500 visitors)
The e-commerce | m-commerce business is a booming market segment. It involves various activities : digital marketing, price comparators, web analytics, social commerce ...
But it also includes very critical areas like logistics, payment, monetization ... This business is now representing more than 100 Billions both in US and EU.
So I questioned many company in various area. I must confess that all of the one I met relied on MySQL except one that was using Microsoft + SAS ( the statistics tool to do market segmentation). None of them had really chosen MySQL vs Oracle. They chose MySQL when there were small start-ups companies and could not afford Oracle.
In fact many of them still use MySQL community (GPL product) for free.
But now they realized that their business is becoming a serious one generating nice turnover with profits and excellent growth perspective.
As volume, traffic, criticity increase many are worried about the ability of MySQL to fit with their growing business.
Will MySQL be technically able to handle the volume, the high transaction level, the high availability ? Will it technically allow to maintain a 100% on-line business.
They have been fully reassured by the commitment of Oracle to invest in MySQL and make it a better database.
The latest announces about MySQL 5.5 improvement in performance and scalability made them confident they made the right choice.
The improvement on replication reliability, the availability of online backup with MySQL, the improvement on partitioning, all this made them feel Oracle is truly making MySQL better.
They have been also totally convinced by the very lively and innovative MySQL community : spider storage engine , flexview materialized views, Qgraph storage engine, column based storage engine, smart patches or improvement developed by key users. They got the feeling that this is the place where things are happening and innovation is taking place openly.
The capacity to replicate from Oracle to MySQL through Goldengate made them confident they could integrate with more classic IT if necessary.
So for me the main question that was answered by Oracle for these customers was : Should I still rely on MySQL now that I am doing big business ?
and the answer is obviously : YES you can rely on MySQL.
Nice BTRFS webinar by Oracle
BTRFS was initiated by Chris Mason who used to be responsible for Reiserfs at Suse and now works for Oracle. The first release started in 2007. BTRFS has been merged into Linux kernel in 2009. Now there are developers from REDHAT, INTEL SUSE, IBM, HP ... storage vendors. The project is very active. Ubuntu is considering to use it soon as its default filesystem. BTRFS is licensed under the GPL license. An interesting to read short summary of the life of BTRFS : A short history of BTRFS
Last week I followed a very interesting ORACLE webinar delivered by Chris Mason : The State of the BTRFS File System for Linux
BTRFS was initiated by Chris Mason who used to be responsible for Reiserfs at Suse and now works for Oracle. The first release started in 2007. BTRFS has been merged into Linux kernel in 2009. Now there are developers from REDHAT, INTEL SUSE, IBM, HP ... storage vendors. The project is very active. Ubuntu is considering to use it soon as its default filesystem. BTRFS is licensed under the GPL license. An interesting to read short summary of the life of BTRFS : A short history of BTRFS
...continue reading "Nice BTRFS webinar by Oracle"
Solutions Linux / Open Source 2010
Kuassi MENSAH (Head of Product Management Database Technologies, Oracle Corporation) presented the open source Oracle strategy. Linux, MySQL, virtualization, GlassFish, Eclipse, dynamic scripting languages ,... etc . It was well received by the audience. Knowing that MySQL organization will be kept safe in Oracle is perceived as a nice move.
Florian Haas(LINBIT) gave a tutorial on DRBD and did some demos with NFS and video streaming. And of course he reminded people that now since Linux 2.6.33, DRBD is officially integrated into the Linux kernel source. DRBD making the push for mainline Linux kernel is going to make HA easier.
Last week Solutions Linux / Open Source event was held in Paris.
Kuassi MENSAH (Head of Product Management Database Technologies, Oracle Corporation) presented the open source Oracle strategy. Linux, MySQL, virtualization, GlassFish, Eclipse, dynamic scripting languages ,... etc . It was well received by the audience. Knowing that MySQL organization will be kept safe in Oracle is perceived as a nice move.
Florian Haas(LINBIT) gave a tutorial on DRBD and did some demos with NFS and video streaming. And of course he reminded people that now since Linux 2.6.33, DRBD is officially integrated into the Linux kernel source. DRBD making the push for mainline Linux kernel is going to make HA easier.
As is normal now, some subjects are getting stronger :
The cloud was a hot topic with a good keynote by UBUNTU. Virtualization related to cloud architecture was also presented by hosting providers.
Extreme scaleout with Hadoop (Yahoo implementation of Google Map reduce) get a lot of interest.
NoSQL databases solutions was also a hot subject. I must confess that I was skeptical about broad usage of NoSQL beside the top web actors.
But this times I met my first customers talking seriously about it and doing serious testing with Cassandra and Voldemort.
So I decided to follow a tutorial on using Hadoop. very interesting.
Microsoft was gold sponsor of the event. Microsoft presented themselves as now as a good friendly contributor to the Linux kernel. Beside that they try to optimize all open source solutions running on Windows Server. And of course they want to play a key role in the new cloud economy. In their Azure cloud framework they can handle Linux, PHP, MySQL . They seem to sincerely want to be active and friendly in the open source segment.
There was a full set of tutorials on database technology. Postgresql, NoSQL technologies, Ingres, PostGIS were there.
I presented a tutorial on MySQL. Our MySQL users and customers are always as passionate. They are eager to use our next production releases. Many of them have started using InnoDB pluggin and its advanced capabilities (compression, fast index rebuild ...). Some have started testing MySQL 5.5 and are very impressed by all the performance gains + extra functionalities. MySQL is really on it way to become "the fasted open source commodity database on the market". I of course got some questions on when we will release GA version. MySQL proxy GA was also mentioned and asked for.
Why do we need InnoDB per table IO statistics ?
This compression works at a table level. Like most optimization techniques it is not black or white.
You have to decide depending on IO patterns / CPU usage / Memory usage / disks constraints what tables are good candidates for compression.
I was trying to define a methodology to help decide which tables to compress to reach performance gains.
I thought I could use MySQL "show status" command or information_schema tables. Unfortunately MySQL does not offer any per tables IO statistics.
InnoDB plugin offers an adaptative compression that is very interesting for performance.
This compression works at a table level. Like most optimization techniques this is not black or white.
You have to decide depending on IO patterns / CPU usage / Memory usage / disks constraints what tables are good candidates for compression.
I was trying to define a methodology to help decide which tables to compress to reach performance gains.
I thought I could use MySQL "show status" command or information_schema tables. Unfortunately MySQL does not offer any per tables IO statistics.
I thought maybe I could use some linux command. Unfortunately on linux you can only get statistics at a block device level with iostat command.
As a last ressort I thought maybe I could use MySQL Enterprise Monitor / Query Analyzer.
The MySQL Query Analyzer gives you nice aggregated statistics per queries : nb execs / mean time ...
All of these statistics are at a query level. Most queries are joins, and many tables are accessed through multiple different queries. So you get no information at a table level.
So none of the above techniques solve the issue.
Mark Callaghan had packaged a set of patch for MySQL 5.0.
This set of patches includes IO statistics per InnoDB tablespace. In conjunction with the use of the innodb_file_per_table option this gives InnoDB per tables IO statistics.
A good reason to use inodb_file_per_table -- per-table IO statistics
More changes for performance monitoring
The SHOW INNODB FILE STATUS command reports IO statistics per InnoDB tablespace and thus per table When innodb_file_per_table is used.
The InnoDB plugin that offers compression is part of MySQL 5.1. and this patch was for MySQL 5.0 only.
But a very good news came last friday :
Marc Callaghan has just released the Facebook patch for MySQL 5.1 .
This gives us a efficient tool to decide which tables are good candidate for compression.
If anyone has time to write a script that would based on these statistics and on a server workload pinpoint the tables best canditates for compression.
This would be nice. I agree this would be easier if these statistics were part of the information schema. So if someone could do that too this would be definitely a great
What will I remember about this week ?
I took part to the "Android Developer Labs World Tour" in a place called "La cantine" ( a french cafe + some chairs)
A few geeks there, a very nice event . Each participant went back home with a nexus one !
I delivered a MySQL and java pres. I had fun demoing JPA, JSF, RestFull web services on Glassfish.
But what I will definitely remember about this week is this news :
"Ken Jacobs leaving Oracle"
You will be missed by Oracle
You will be missed by MySQL community
You have been a key people of Oracle helping design the product that made all the rest possible for Oracle. You have always played fair with the MySQL community. In my previous life at Oracle I remember 7.0, 7.1 , 8.0, 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g .... You sometimes came to Paris and gave us not just the lengthy list of new functionalities but the reason why it was build that way, the internals and the interest it represents. When you took InnoDB I was surprised by the dedication you put in this wonderful piece of software. But you were right. Technology is just about details and elegance. You brought a lot of insight to the MySQL community. And do not forget that the MySQL community is not a company. You cannot resign. You can take your distance, do whatever please you, come back. You will always be welcomed.
I went to Microsoft techdays : huge 17000 visitors, 300 confs , .... C#, F#, Sqlserver 2008, cloud ...
I took part to the "Android Developer Labs World Tour" in a place called "La cantine" ( a french cafe + some chairs)
A few geeks there, a very nice event . Each participant went back home with a nexus one !
I delivered a MySQL and java pres. I had fun demoing JPA, JSF, RestFull web services on Glassfish.
But what I will definitely remember about this week is this news :
"Ken Jacobs leaving Oracle"
You will be missed by Oracle.
You will be missed by MySQL community.
You have been a key people of Oracle helping design the product that made all the rest possible for Oracle.
You have always played fair with the MySQL community.
In my previous life at Oracle I remember 7.0, 7.1 , 8.0, 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g ....
You sometimes came to Paris and gave us not just the lengthy list of new functionalities but the reason why it was build that way, the internals and the interest it represents.
When you took InnoDB I was surprised by the dedication you put in this wonderful piece of software.
But you were right. Technology is just about details and elegance.
You brought a lot of insight to the MySQL community.
And do not forget that the MySQL community is not a company. You cannot resign.
You can take your distance, do whatever please you, come back.
You will always be welcomed.
Using UNIX_TIMESTAMP as a partitioning function for MySQL 5.1.43
MySQL 5.1.43 can be downloaded from
For example, it now possible to create a partitioned table such as this one :
It is now possible to use the UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function in partitioning expressions using TIMESTAMP columns.
MySQL 5.1.43 can be downloaded from
For example, it now possible to create a partitioned table such as this one :
All other expressions involving TIMESTAMP values are now rejected with an error when attempting to create a new partitioned table or to alter an existing partitioned table.
To go from the unix timestamp to a more readable value it is possible to use the FROM_UNIXTIME(ts) function :
mysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(631148400);
| FROM_UNIXTIME(631148400) |
| 1990-01-01 00:00:00
With MySQL 5.1.43 it is important to note that partitioning can only be done on an integer value column or through the following restricted set of functions that return integer :
To help Giuseppe Maxia has proposed some tricks that make partitioning by date in 5.1 a bit less painful :
A quick usability hack with partitioning
The partition helper - Improving usability with MySQL 5.1 partitioning
And to partition on a non integer column :
Partitioning with non integer values using triggers
And do not forget that in 5.1 :
All the columns used in the table's partitioning expression mus t be used in every unique key on the table.
This also includes the table's primary key, since it is by definition a unique key.
So in the above example with the UNIX_TIMESTAMP function the timestamp column must be part of the primary key and also part of all the unique keys existing on the table.
An important restriction also to remember is that the number of partitions is limited to 1024 (including sub partitions).
MySQL 5.5. partitioning offers more functionalities :
With RANGE and LIST partitioning it will be possible to partition by non-integer columns like dates or strings (using the new COLUMNS keyword).
MySQL 5.5 Partitioning with the he COLUMNS keyword also allow to use multiple columns to define a partition.
The new TRUNCATE PARTITION allow to empty a partition in a more efficient way than delete or drop partition + recreation of the partition.
The new function TO_SECONDS is available to partition on time intervals smaller than one day. It is taken into account by partition pruning.
To explain 5.5 partitioning new features there is the interesting article by Giuseppe Maxia :
A deep look at MySQL 5.5 partitioning enhancements
InnoDB : Any real performance improvement when using READ COMMITED isolation level ?
In my previous post "InnoDB : Why not use the same isolation level as ORACLE" I suggested that like ORACLE it might now be a good idea to use READ COMMITTED as the default isolation level for InnoDB.
Marc Callaghan made interesting measures that illustrate a case where READ COMMITTED mode degraded performance.
("Repeatable read versus read committed for InnoDB ")
Can we draw conclusions from what has been measured ?
Let us look in more detail to what has been measured. The workload is generated by sysbench :
...continue reading "InnoDB : Any real performance improvement when using READ COMMITED isolation level ?"
InnoDB : Why not use the same isolation level as ORACLE ?
By default InnoDB uses REPEATABLE READ as its isolation level. So this is the isolation level used with innoDB by almost all MySQL users.
The default isolation level of Oracle is READ COMMITTED. READ COMMITTED is the mode widely used by Oracle users. This mode incurs less penalty on the server scalability by allowing to support more concurrency.
The reason why InnoDB use REPEATABLE READ as its default is historical. This is a related to the way MySQL replication was developed . MySQL replication until 5.1 functioned with a statement based replication mechanism. This means that statements that occurs on the master server are replayed on the slave server. The statement base replication mode does not permit to use the READ COMMITTED isolation level. In that case replication will not guaranty consistency between the slave and the master.
The MySQL widely used statement based replication has some major drawbacks. The first one is that to guaranty the same effect of statements on slave as on master innoDB need to be careful when generating id through the autoincrement mechanism. The second impact is that InnoDB also needs to avoid phantoms to guaranty the same effect of a statement on the master and slave.
To generate consecutive autoincrement id during a multi rows insert a table level lock is necessary.
To handle phantom issue InnoDB has implemented a mechanism that consist in locking gaps.
UPDATE ... WHERE or a DELETE ... FROM ... WHERE requires InnoDB to set an exclusive next-key lock on every record the search encounters. This can dramatically impact concurrency on the server by forbidding inserts into the gaps.
INSERT ... SELECT will put a shared lock on all the selected rows. This basically prevent any update on the selected rows. This also seriously impact concurrency. This case is very common when reports are run on an OLTP server.
SELECT ... FROM ... FOR UPDATE sets exclusive next-key locks on all index records the search encounters and also on the corresponding clustered index records if a secondary index is used in the search.
SELECT ... FROM ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE sets shared next-key locks on all index records the search encounters
Oracle does not behave that way. The Oracle replication mechanism is a row based mechanism. None of the blocking locks mentioned above with InnoDB will happen with Oracle.
Can we have with MySQL the same behavior as Oracle users ?
Yes we can ! Since version 5.1 MySQL offers a row based replication mode closed to what ORACLE is doing. This basically allow to run MySQL in READ COMMITTED isolation level. This can really benefit to MySQL performance and scalability. To achieve that it is mandatory to use Row based replication. This suppress most restrictions related to MySQL statement based replication. The READ COMMITTED isolation level relax most of the locking issues impaired by the REPEATABLE READ MODE. This seems anyway to be used rarely by MySQL 5.1 users !
I have no figures to prove performance improvement impacts of READ COMMITED isolation level with InnoDB,
so you should give it a try ! 🙂