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Comparing Oracle MySQL Group Replication and Galera Cluster through a probability perpective seems quite interesting.

At commit time both use a group certification process that requires network round trips. The required time for these network roundtrips is what will mainly determined the cost of a transaction. Let us try to compute an estimate of the certification process cost. The duration of these network roundtrips duration can be model by random variable with an associated probability distribution law.
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MariaDB 10.1 introduced Data at Rest Encryption. By default we provide a file_key_management plugin. This is a basic plugin storing keys in a file that can be itself encrypted. This file can come from a usb stick removed once keys have been brought into memory. But this remains a basic solution not suitable for security compliance rules.
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A question raised by my previous post is : What about MariaDB and native JSON support ? In my previous post I mentioned the possibility to use the MariaDB CONNECT storage Engine to store and access JSON content in normal text field. Of course having a native JSON datatype brings more value. It introduces JSON validation, a more efficient access to attribute through an optimized storage format.
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It is not new that we can store a JSON content in a normal table text field. This has always been the case in the past. But two key features were missing : filtering based on JSON content attributes and indexing of the JSON content. With MariaDB 10.1 CONNECT storage Engine we offer support for external content including JSON files. The MariaDB CONNECT storage Engine also comes with a set of JSON related UDFs. This allows us to do the following thing :
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The JSON format includes the concept of array. A JSON object cant contain an attribute of array type. We have seen that we can use the MariaDB CONNECT Storage Engine provided UDFs (user defined functions) to implement dynamic columns.
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MariaDB CONNECT storage engine handles access to JSON files through standard SQL. It comes with a set of UDFs (user defined functions) to manipulate the JSON format. This JSON content can be stored in a normal text column. This approach can be used to implement dynamic columns. The dynamic column concept was first introduced with MariaDB 5.3.
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The MariaDB CONNECT storage engine offers access to JSON file and allows you to see a external JSON file as a MariaDB table.
A nice feature of the CONNECT storage Engine is its capability to auto discover a table structure when the table correspond to external data. In our case the CONNECT storage engine will automatically define the columns based on the JSON file hierarchical structure.
This is possible thanks to a feature of MariaDB Storage Engine API. This auto discovery feature allows a create statement to delegate the discovery of the table structure to the chosen storage engine.
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Last week at Percona Live Facebook has presented for the first time Docstore which is a native JSON implementation in MySQL. Oracle has also presented their MySQL 5.7 lab release that includes the implementation of a native JSON type.
This is an important move as MySQL was behind other other RDMS regarding JSON (PostgreSQL already had a nice and complete implementation). JSON being widely adopted in various area (JS dev, data exchange and database format, …) this move was awaited.
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Can we output content of a mariaDB table into JSON using the CONNECT Storage Engine ?
MariaDB and MySQL are not currently JSON friendly databases. The usage of JSON in MySQL is almost inexistent with the excetion of the explain JSON output and of MariaDB dynamic column dump.
There also exist a few udf (in MySQL lab area) to help manipulate JSON strings(searching, modification …).
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